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Puertas abiertas curso 2024-2025

Energy healing techniques come from the ancient Finnish healing tradition called Jäsenkorjaus (bone setting).
The main methods used in this tradition involve performing physical adjustments, energy healing, herbal healing, wet or dry cupping, and healing with powerful words (similar to healing mantras).


Energy healing is based on detecting and locating blockages in the flow of energy throughout the body. We approach the most subtle layer of the body, beyond the physical, and work on releasing energetic blockages and physical tensions and pain, using the most natural tools available: our mind, senses and energy itself.

Energy healing is the perfect treatment for yoga practitioners who want to increase their sensitivity, have a fresh sense of prana and feel deep relaxation.


Topics to be covered in this energy healing workshop:

  • How to recognize physical and energetic blockages in the energy body.

  • How to feel prana (energy) in the energy body.

  • How to release and move pains and tensions in the energy body.

  • How to channel prana (energy) to support the healing process.

  • Combinations of energy healing and physical healing techniques such as limb lengthening, footwork and acupressure (a Finnish style).

  • How to give long and short distance energy healing.

  • How to combine energy healing techniques with asana adjustments.

  • How to sever the connection and balance the healer's own energy after healing work.


The workshop will mainly cover the energy healing part with some gentle physical adjustments for the back, legs and feet.

Students do not need any prior energy healing experience or special skills to participate in the workshop. Just an open mind and willingness to help each other.

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